My birthday was on Tuesday the 23rd and now it's the day after Christmas.
My computer has decided to crap out on me.
This is GREAT.
26 December 2008
13 November 2008
Bang! Bang! You Shot Me To The Ground
Um. I think I'm going to die of embarrassment. Well, I went over to this football (soccer) website and, like the hormonal-barely-out-of-her-teens-girl that I am, started looking at pictures of shirtless soccer players out of boredom/just because I wanted to. Oh, did I mention? I'm in Campus Center. Not on my computer.
So therefore, what I just did in the previous paragraph is looked down upon. (Oh, if anybody's wondering, this is what I was looking at. And don't look at me like that! He's very yummy, okay.)
Anyway, the whole point of this entry was to say that my pre-departure drama has commenced again.
Last year, it was all about a certain male who had his own issues about me leaving, which was psychologically draining, and distracted me more than I needed to be. This year, it's... everybody else who didn't have a crack at me last time, taking turns and hitting me where it hurts.
A "good friend" of mine has accused me of being self-absorbed. I honestly don't know, it may be true, but when she asks me what's going on in my life, I tell her "I'm preparing to study in France". Does that make me self-absorbed? We're trying to work it out. I'm not going to dump years of friendship over this, unless she wants to, then why bother trying, really?
Another friend, who I've been friends with since I was eleven, is dealing with a bunch of romantic relationship whatever stuff and, like I have been since the age of eleven, I've been there for her. We had a bit of a drifting apart after graduating high school but reconnected right before I left for Spain. Anyway, back to her "relationship stuff", she has serious trust issues, and she's pining for this guy who's on a missionary trip for two years (he's been gone almost a year now, I believe) when they were never in a serious relationship or in a relationship to begin with.
And now she's dumping on me for leaving her. What? Last time I checked, she and I were not in a relationship. She knows how much this means to me and she has to whine whine whine about her not-boyfriend and about me leaving her. She wants me to give this up so she doesn't have to be alone before he comes back. What?!
I just don't get it. Yes, I am aware that I am whining writing this, but this needs to be put here, because it relates to my studies.
I want people to be happy for me that I'm going so that when I'm over there, I can look forward to coming back. Like last time. But the euphoria I felt coming home wore off after like a week and I'm scared it'll happen again.
All of this makes me want to leave so badly. I want to leave tomorrow. Let me buy my one way ticket and I'll live in Paris penniless. Okay, not really, but I really feel that anywhere? Better than here right now.
So therefore, what I just did in the previous paragraph is looked down upon. (Oh, if anybody's wondering, this is what I was looking at. And don't look at me like that! He's very yummy, okay.)
Anyway, the whole point of this entry was to say that my pre-departure drama has commenced again.
Last year, it was all about a certain male who had his own issues about me leaving, which was psychologically draining, and distracted me more than I needed to be. This year, it's... everybody else who didn't have a crack at me last time, taking turns and hitting me where it hurts.
A "good friend" of mine has accused me of being self-absorbed. I honestly don't know, it may be true, but when she asks me what's going on in my life, I tell her "I'm preparing to study in France". Does that make me self-absorbed? We're trying to work it out. I'm not going to dump years of friendship over this, unless she wants to, then why bother trying, really?
Another friend, who I've been friends with since I was eleven, is dealing with a bunch of romantic relationship whatever stuff and, like I have been since the age of eleven, I've been there for her. We had a bit of a drifting apart after graduating high school but reconnected right before I left for Spain. Anyway, back to her "relationship stuff", she has serious trust issues, and she's pining for this guy who's on a missionary trip for two years (he's been gone almost a year now, I believe) when they were never in a serious relationship or in a relationship to begin with.
And now she's dumping on me for leaving her. What? Last time I checked, she and I were not in a relationship. She knows how much this means to me and she has to whine whine whine about her not-boyfriend and about me leaving her. She wants me to give this up so she doesn't have to be alone before he comes back. What?!
I just don't get it. Yes, I am aware that I am whining writing this, but this needs to be put here, because it relates to my studies.
I want people to be happy for me that I'm going so that when I'm over there, I can look forward to coming back. Like last time. But the euphoria I felt coming home wore off after like a week and I'm scared it'll happen again.
All of this makes me want to leave so badly. I want to leave tomorrow. Let me buy my one way ticket and I'll live in Paris penniless. Okay, not really, but I really feel that anywhere? Better than here right now.
04 November 2008
And Even With Broken Wings, Sometimes You Find Your Way To Fly
I got the e-mail! I got accepted for Paris next semester!!!!!
I'll be definitely seeing Orly there in January! I'm so excited.
Now I have to go through the bureaucratic mess again. Wow.
I'll be definitely seeing Orly there in January! I'm so excited.
Now I have to go through the bureaucratic mess again. Wow.
31 October 2008
You say he makes your life complete but do you ever think of me?
I'm at it again, working on my latest escape. My blog kind of failed in that capacity in the spring.
I had two options and I really wish I could've gone to both Sweden and France.
In the end, due to my language/academics rather than my love of most things Swedish... I am choosing to go to Paris, despite the fact that I haven't officially been accepted yet.
We'll see how this goes.
I had two options and I really wish I could've gone to both Sweden and France.
In the end, due to my language/academics rather than my love of most things Swedish... I am choosing to go to Paris, despite the fact that I haven't officially been accepted yet.
We'll see how this goes.
13 May 2008
Jag är i Göteborg! Wow, it feels so weird being able to type on this with extra keys.
I got in yesterday at like 8 PM and stood around waiting for a tram, not knowing I had to buy a card since they don't sell on the tram itself. I love this city and I think I may have to come back down the road when I've got more money and time.
Today I did some shopping, explored Göteborg and really enjoyed it. I bought cds from a shop as recommended by Poptastic (who gave me fantastic directions, btw. I got three cds! One signed by Sebastian Karlsson!!) Tomorrow, I have a train to Gävle where I'll be meeting up with friends. Then next monday, I'll be solo i Stockholm (That'd be a Brolle reference) until I fly to Amsterdam to see friends from the institute in Sevilla.
I got in yesterday at like 8 PM and stood around waiting for a tram, not knowing I had to buy a card since they don't sell on the tram itself. I love this city and I think I may have to come back down the road when I've got more money and time.
Today I did some shopping, explored Göteborg and really enjoyed it. I bought cds from a shop as recommended by Poptastic (who gave me fantastic directions, btw. I got three cds! One signed by Sebastian Karlsson!!) Tomorrow, I have a train to Gävle where I'll be meeting up with friends. Then next monday, I'll be solo i Stockholm (That'd be a Brolle reference) until I fly to Amsterdam to see friends from the institute in Sevilla.
26 March 2008
You're foul in clear conditions, but you're handsome in the fog
It's beyond the halfway point of my semester here in Seville. I fly to Paris tomorrow to see my best friend!
I really have been quite bad writing in here. If the internet situation was better and I wasn't downloading various albums (The Best of The Cardigans, anyone?) or TV shows (Damn you, Gossip Girl and America's Next Top Model!) when I had the good connection, I'd have more substance in this blog!
At this point, I'm beginning to wonder what to do with myself once I get back to the states. Another semester abroad seems to on the cards, or at least I really want one! I'm looking at going to Lund, Sweden or Paris, France.
A few of us were talking earlier about what we wanted to do with our lives. Realistically, I want to be a diplomat and assist in world development. I have knowledge of four languages (In order or grasp/fluency: English, Tagalog, French and Spanish) and definitely want to learn more (Swedish, Portuguese, Italian maybe?)
But if I could have any career, no questions asked? I'd have Anthony Bourdain's job. Or be a supermodel.
Anthony Bourdain's a travel writer/chef who hosts my favourite television show back home in the states, No Reservations. He travels the world, writes and eats. Dream job, huh?
Anyway, it's 1:17 AM and my suitcase to Paris is only half-packed. Better get back to work. Will write about Holy Week and post Paris pictures next time. I'll be in Paris this time tomorrow!
Also, the 28th is my dad's birthday. He'll be 55. This is the third time I'm missing his birthday, second consecutive year (last year I was in New York, going to the United Nations that day. No, no, I'm not important yet, I'm a dork who went there on their own.) and the second time in Paris (last time was 2004).
Happy early birthday Dad!
I really have been quite bad writing in here. If the internet situation was better and I wasn't downloading various albums (The Best of The Cardigans, anyone?) or TV shows (Damn you, Gossip Girl and America's Next Top Model!) when I had the good connection, I'd have more substance in this blog!
At this point, I'm beginning to wonder what to do with myself once I get back to the states. Another semester abroad seems to on the cards, or at least I really want one! I'm looking at going to Lund, Sweden or Paris, France.
A few of us were talking earlier about what we wanted to do with our lives. Realistically, I want to be a diplomat and assist in world development. I have knowledge of four languages (In order or grasp/fluency: English, Tagalog, French and Spanish) and definitely want to learn more (Swedish, Portuguese, Italian maybe?)
But if I could have any career, no questions asked? I'd have Anthony Bourdain's job. Or be a supermodel.
Anthony Bourdain's a travel writer/chef who hosts my favourite television show back home in the states, No Reservations. He travels the world, writes and eats. Dream job, huh?
Anyway, it's 1:17 AM and my suitcase to Paris is only half-packed. Better get back to work. Will write about Holy Week and post Paris pictures next time. I'll be in Paris this time tomorrow!
Also, the 28th is my dad's birthday. He'll be 55. This is the third time I'm missing his birthday, second consecutive year (last year I was in New York, going to the United Nations that day. No, no, I'm not important yet, I'm a dork who went there on their own.) and the second time in Paris (last time was 2004).
Happy early birthday Dad!
17 March 2008
"What are you doing... AHH!"

I climbed the world's tallest minaret on Friday, backwards (don't ask) and I'm feeling it in my legs. It kind of sucked to be at the top when the bells went off at the top of the hour. Haha.
I've been trying to convince my two favourite boys to move to Spain and become toreros and get those sweeeeeet-ass (well... for lack of a better word.) tight trousers. Of course, one's objecting so much due to the tight trousers... but whatever. Haha, they would look so good in them.
I would write something meaningful but I just cannot bring myself to think right about now. The two boys in previous paragraph sent cookies and goodies in the mail which made me happy.
Must do research tomorrow on types of bullfighting.

NOT THE KKK. I PROMISE YOU. Read this. Imagine 200 of those walking the street...
It's Semana Santa and I'm going nowhere but next week I'm going to Paris to see my best friend Natalie! :D
13 March 2008
I drop my guns and bring the bouquet

I am not a personality for all. And I'm slowly becoming more accepting to that fact.
After a bout of me taking something way too personally yesterday (people think I'm mean and decide to talk about me behind my back), I got so upset that I cried about it (...before my second exam). My favourite professor here with his intense Scottish accent talked to me about how I shouldn't let stuff like that get to me.
"Look at you. You're the success of my class! You're going to be amazing because you know what you want in life. And people are going to want to bring you down. Why would you do that? You've got a lot more in you than that,"
He's right.
I really don't need to go out to get trashed every night or meeting men and going home with them either. That's not why I'm here. I'm here to study and transform as a person. It's unfortunate that people think those things about me, but that's their problem.
I know who loves me for who I am and I'm definitely okay with that. I just wish I could be with those people at certain times when it gets tough.
In other news, Eurovision, one of my loves in life, is turning out to be pretty bad this year. Although, Sweden still gives me hope.
11 March 2008
Give me love in stereo! Give me more of the attraction!

Do I look ready for a corrida yet?
So we just had an amazing discussion in my ethics class regarding bullfighting and we had a guest lecturer come in and talk about the sexiness of bullfighters, basically. Well, not really but "The pants are so tight you can see everything!"
I don't know what I'll be doing next week, since I won't be leaving Sevilla but I think I'll go around and check places out and go to the park and all whatever.
05 March 2008
Out on the line, like a star, like a hero

Two jars of liquid gold. (Peanut butter)
It's funny how much you miss things from home. After a major bout of homesickness (not particularly for peanut butter) and some luck of being in the same room as the guy who got the care package with ten jars of it, it certainly was a welcome feeling to have honey-roasted creamy peanut butter sitting on the counter in my room. Mmm.

And just because. :)
03 March 2008
Excuse me for a moment, but I have to barf.

Nerja - 29 February 2008
This past weekend was a four day weekend due to Andalucia Day, and apparently, nobody likes going to work after having Thursday off.
We (Megan, Kylie, Catherine, Kari, Ebony and myself) went to Malaga for a few hours to see the Picasso museum and Nerja on the Costa del Sol. Hmm. I must say that I was quite disappointed with the beaches. Though I'm from Hawaii so I'm used to amazing beaches. Probably an unfair assessment, haha. Plus, the abundance of old British pensioners didn't help in the least! Too many people wearing speedos who most definitely should NOT be wearing them. Gross gross gross.
When we left Sevilla, Megan was a little ill and progressively got worse as the day went on. The poor girl wound up having to go to the hospital yesterday afternoon with gastroenteritis and a viral thing that made her so weak. I think it was a fluish thing, but I took care of her from Friday night to Saturday because our travel companions decided to get drunk every chance they get and ditch us, basically.
Of course, other stuff happened, regular girl drama and I wound up making several tear-filled phone calls to sisters and Soraya. Basically, Megan was the only person I was talking to all weekend and when she went to the hospital, our group was divided in two: me and everybody else. To make matters worse, I might be coming down with what Megan has right now.
I'm starting to re-evaluate my reasons for coming here. It seems that everyone in my program wants to get drunk and party. Yeah, that's fun to do sometimes, but it's so immature. I didn't come here for that and that's a huge difference. I came here to find myself, grow and to study (eternal dork coming out here).
I'm beginning to think I might have made a mistake in coming here.
Next up: Spanish politics! Are you ready? :)
14 February 2008
Chicago?! Woooooow! Oooh, PAH PAH PAH!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Spanish men. Or Sevillan men? I have been here a month and I have not found anybody that attractive. Though I suppose when you compare these guys to these guys...

It's kind of not fair, is it? Note to self, Resa. Not all Spaniards look like D'Nash! Or Iker Casillas for that matter either.

Yeah, not fair.
Anyway, last week, I went to Italica with my school. It's Roman ruins that look like it's right out of Gladiator!

I'll post more often after the weekend.
29 January 2008
How to fail at being a Spaniard.
My roommate and I decided to take it upon ourselves to go out this past weekend.
How to fail at being a Spaniard:
1. After not hearing from your friends, you and roommate go out at 11 PM. Housekeeper and her friends says have fun and see you in the morning.
2. Walk to Triana, located on the other side of the river. Try not to get run over by cars (At this time, it is 11:20)
3. Go to the bar that you guys went to the first Friday you were here. (By now, it is 11:25)
4. Realize you don't want to pay a 25 euro cover charge and go find somewhere else. (11:26)
5. Pick a place you want to go. We chose Calle Betis. (11:28)
6. Walk around wondering where the hell Calle Betis is. (11:29)
7. Give up and walk into Irish pub. (11:24)
8. Look at beer menu in Irish pub and freak and leave. (11:30:30)
9. Walk around the corner and realize you're in Calle Betis! (11:31)
10. Find Big Ben (Patrons are international students mostly) (11:35)
11. Order drinks. I got a tinto (half-red wine and half fanta) and roommate ordered beer. (11:36)
12. Sit at bar and guzzle drink down like you've been wandering through the desert for 40 days. (11:37)
13. Overhear Red Hot Chili Peppers in bar and make disgusted face to roommate. (11:42)
14. Look around bar to see if anybody else you might recognize is there (11:44)
15. Wait for roommate to finish beer while contemplating whether or not to order another tinto. (11:45)
16. Check mobile and realize you've gotten several irrelevant texts from friends back home on the other side of the world (11:46)
17. Roommate finishes beer and leave bar to find somewhere else. (11:50)
18. Declare that there's nothing else to do and you decide to call it a night. (12:02)
19. Decide to take a cab home due to roommate's sore feet and the fact that you've neglected to take a cardigan (stupid idea). Roommate orders you to negotiate price before jumping into cab, despite the fact that she has taken more college Spanish than you have. (12:04)
20. Have exchange with cab driver, negotiating cab ride back home to 6 euros and get in. (12:05)
21. Get home at 12:08
22. Struggle with door lock and get buzzed in by someone else who lives in the building and go inside at 12:10.
23. Drink 2 Cuba Libres (Rum and coke) in a can (I bought them both. Yuck) and pass out (due to immense embarassment that you can't do it like Spaniards do, not due to alcohol) while watching Melodifestivalen 2007.
We'll try again next weekend.
How to fail at being a Spaniard:
1. After not hearing from your friends, you and roommate go out at 11 PM. Housekeeper and her friends says have fun and see you in the morning.
2. Walk to Triana, located on the other side of the river. Try not to get run over by cars (At this time, it is 11:20)
3. Go to the bar that you guys went to the first Friday you were here. (By now, it is 11:25)
4. Realize you don't want to pay a 25 euro cover charge and go find somewhere else. (11:26)
5. Pick a place you want to go. We chose Calle Betis. (11:28)
6. Walk around wondering where the hell Calle Betis is. (11:29)
7. Give up and walk into Irish pub. (11:24)
8. Look at beer menu in Irish pub and freak and leave. (11:30:30)
9. Walk around the corner and realize you're in Calle Betis! (11:31)
10. Find Big Ben (Patrons are international students mostly) (11:35)
11. Order drinks. I got a tinto (half-red wine and half fanta) and roommate ordered beer. (11:36)
12. Sit at bar and guzzle drink down like you've been wandering through the desert for 40 days. (11:37)
13. Overhear Red Hot Chili Peppers in bar and make disgusted face to roommate. (11:42)
14. Look around bar to see if anybody else you might recognize is there (11:44)
15. Wait for roommate to finish beer while contemplating whether or not to order another tinto. (11:45)
16. Check mobile and realize you've gotten several irrelevant texts from friends back home on the other side of the world (11:46)
17. Roommate finishes beer and leave bar to find somewhere else. (11:50)
18. Declare that there's nothing else to do and you decide to call it a night. (12:02)
19. Decide to take a cab home due to roommate's sore feet and the fact that you've neglected to take a cardigan (stupid idea). Roommate orders you to negotiate price before jumping into cab, despite the fact that she has taken more college Spanish than you have. (12:04)
20. Have exchange with cab driver, negotiating cab ride back home to 6 euros and get in. (12:05)
21. Get home at 12:08
22. Struggle with door lock and get buzzed in by someone else who lives in the building and go inside at 12:10.
23. Drink 2 Cuba Libres (Rum and coke) in a can (I bought them both. Yuck) and pass out (due to immense embarassment that you can't do it like Spaniards do, not due to alcohol) while watching Melodifestivalen 2007.
We'll try again next weekend.
25 January 2008
Quiero la máquina del tiempo

Plaza de España - this thing is around the corner from my house!
Okay, so I've been here since the 16th and this city is like a big small town. Everybody walks everywhere.
Wednesday, I got to my home around 5 AM and just chilled there after the 2 and a half hour train ride from Madrid. My roommate got in around 9 PM and we were both exhausted and went to bed, intending to get up early for orientation the next day.
Thursday, we left our house at 9 AM for a 10 AM orientation, bringing our laptops. Guess what? We got LOST. We wandered around for about an hour and a half asking where school was. And we got in at 10:30. What made it worse? It wasn't even orientation day for us. Hahaha.
Friday, was actual orientation day for us and I finalized out my classes. Also, there was a welcome party for us students at a bar across town. We walked over like a group of 30 girls and one guy (poor guy) and proceeded to drink. It was a free party, two free drinks, so why not, right? And we had some tapas which was yummy. Went home around 2.
Saturday, went around and saw Plaza de España.
Sunday, vegged out.
Monday, started classes with Politics and Intensive Spanish. Pretty chill.
Tuesday, Ethics and Intensive Spanish. Went out for a drink with Megan, Kylie and Catherine.
Wednesday, Politics was cancelled and just had intensive Spanish.
Thursday, ethics and intensive Spanish.
Today, no classes, but I need internet!
Okay, I better go home for lunch (everything shuts down for lunch cos everyone goes home to eat with their families and have siesta!).
Must try to find a way out when everything shuts down in March!
Will be back Monday to write more! :D
21 January 2008
I Declaration Emergency!
I've been in Spain since Monday, first with MJ and her family for two days and now I'm in Sevilla with my host family.
The two days I was in Madrid was so awesome. MJ and I went out Monday night, just wandering around and taking pictures. The second day, she had classes and I didn't mind just staying at her house and relaxing before heading down to Sevilla. Her mom is such a great cook and it was wonderful to have home-cooked meals after traveling for so long. I never had salad with fried bread-crutons before but yum yum yum. Mmm.
Okay, I obviously need to learn Spanish quickly because I couldn't talk to MJ's mom in Spanish (her mom doesn't speak much english and I wasn't going to ask her to speak english to me. That's rude!). So in an effort, Tuesday at lunch, I tried to speak some Spanish and... desperately asked her mom if she could speak French.
I took the train down to Sevilla on Wednesday. MJ's mom packed me a sandwich which was delish and MJ and I worked our way to the train station.
I felt like Xavier in L'Auberge Espagnole carrying all my stuff. Got a cab and went straight to homestay.
Anyway, update later but here's some pics from Madrid last week!

My friend Maria in Plaza Mayor

Me in Plaza Mayor

Km. 0. The center of Spain!

Me and the symbol of Madrid

The post office.

La catedral de la Almudena


Sevilla Santa Justa from the train.
The two days I was in Madrid was so awesome. MJ and I went out Monday night, just wandering around and taking pictures. The second day, she had classes and I didn't mind just staying at her house and relaxing before heading down to Sevilla. Her mom is such a great cook and it was wonderful to have home-cooked meals after traveling for so long. I never had salad with fried bread-crutons before but yum yum yum. Mmm.
Okay, I obviously need to learn Spanish quickly because I couldn't talk to MJ's mom in Spanish (her mom doesn't speak much english and I wasn't going to ask her to speak english to me. That's rude!). So in an effort, Tuesday at lunch, I tried to speak some Spanish and... desperately asked her mom if she could speak French.
I took the train down to Sevilla on Wednesday. MJ's mom packed me a sandwich which was delish and MJ and I worked our way to the train station.
I felt like Xavier in L'Auberge Espagnole carrying all my stuff. Got a cab and went straight to homestay.
Anyway, update later but here's some pics from Madrid last week!

My friend Maria in Plaza Mayor

Me in Plaza Mayor

Km. 0. The center of Spain!

Me and the symbol of Madrid

The post office.

La catedral de la Almudena


Sevilla Santa Justa from the train.
12 January 2008
Pre-Departure Jitters
I leave for the airport in an hour. My flight takes off at 9:50 and I get to see my best friend before I go. I'm a nervous wreck and kind of want to throw up.
I'm landing in Madrid on ...Monday morning Spanish time. This is crazy. Oh my god.
My carry on's not packed yet. CRAP.
See you in Spain, everyone!
I'm landing in Madrid on ...Monday morning Spanish time. This is crazy. Oh my god.
My carry on's not packed yet. CRAP.
See you in Spain, everyone!
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