29 January 2008

How to fail at being a Spaniard.

My roommate and I decided to take it upon ourselves to go out this past weekend.

How to fail at being a Spaniard:
1. After not hearing from your friends, you and roommate go out at 11 PM. Housekeeper and her friends says have fun and see you in the morning.
2. Walk to Triana, located on the other side of the river. Try not to get run over by cars (At this time, it is 11:20)
3. Go to the bar that you guys went to the first Friday you were here. (By now, it is 11:25)
4. Realize you don't want to pay a 25 euro cover charge and go find somewhere else. (11:26)
5. Pick a place you want to go. We chose Calle Betis. (11:28)
6. Walk around wondering where the hell Calle Betis is. (11:29)
7. Give up and walk into Irish pub. (11:24)
8. Look at beer menu in Irish pub and freak and leave. (11:30:30)
9. Walk around the corner and realize you're in Calle Betis! (11:31)
10. Find Big Ben (Patrons are international students mostly) (11:35)
11. Order drinks. I got a tinto (half-red wine and half fanta) and roommate ordered beer. (11:36)
12. Sit at bar and guzzle drink down like you've been wandering through the desert for 40 days. (11:37)
13. Overhear Red Hot Chili Peppers in bar and make disgusted face to roommate. (11:42)
14. Look around bar to see if anybody else you might recognize is there (11:44)
15. Wait for roommate to finish beer while contemplating whether or not to order another tinto. (11:45)
16. Check mobile and realize you've gotten several irrelevant texts from friends back home on the other side of the world (11:46)
17. Roommate finishes beer and leave bar to find somewhere else. (11:50)
18. Declare that there's nothing else to do and you decide to call it a night. (12:02)
19. Decide to take a cab home due to roommate's sore feet and the fact that you've neglected to take a cardigan (stupid idea). Roommate orders you to negotiate price before jumping into cab, despite the fact that she has taken more college Spanish than you have. (12:04)
20. Have exchange with cab driver, negotiating cab ride back home to 6 euros and get in. (12:05)
21. Get home at 12:08
22. Struggle with door lock and get buzzed in by someone else who lives in the building and go inside at 12:10.
23. Drink 2 Cuba Libres (Rum and coke) in a can (I bought them both. Yuck) and pass out (due to immense embarassment that you can't do it like Spaniards do, not due to alcohol) while watching Melodifestivalen 2007.

We'll try again next weekend.

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