I am not a personality for all. And I'm slowly becoming more accepting to that fact.
After a bout of me taking something way too personally yesterday (people think I'm mean and decide to talk about me behind my back), I got so upset that I cried about it (...before my second exam). My favourite professor here with his intense Scottish accent talked to me about how I shouldn't let stuff like that get to me.
"Look at you. You're the success of my class! You're going to be amazing because you know what you want in life. And people are going to want to bring you down. Why would you do that? You've got a lot more in you than that,"
He's right.
I really don't need to go out to get trashed every night or meeting men and going home with them either. That's not why I'm here. I'm here to study and transform as a person. It's unfortunate that people think those things about me, but that's their problem.
I know who loves me for who I am and I'm definitely okay with that. I just wish I could be with those people at certain times when it gets tough.
In other news, Eurovision, one of my loves in life, is turning out to be pretty bad this year. Although, Sweden still gives me hope.
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