27 December 2007

Under Pressure

So. My 20th birthday was Sunday but the festivities started on Friday, spending time with friends at The Old Spaghetti Factory. Saturday was ringing in the 20th year of my existence at Rhianon's house at midnight and Sunday was eating sushi with my girls and Indian food with my parents and best friend.

I'm in the sixteen days until Spain countdown now. I haven't packed. Or cleaned, or done anything trip-related.

Though, I did get my passport back from the Spanish consulate in San Francisco! Yay!


Anonymous said...

Hi Theresa,

I got back from the mainland to find your nice present on my desk! Yay - thanks so much. I was hoping it wasn't brownies fermenting in my office for 3 weeks (potential box'o'ants)
I am excited for these good things to find a home in my shower.

I am looking forward to reading about all your adventures in Spain!

Bon Courage! amy

Resa said...

Yay! I'm glad you got my present! I figured you wouldn't be in over break (who would, really?) so I decided Nay on foodrelated presents.

Hope your classes this semester are good. :D
